Aniqa Raihan

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Aniqa Raihan

George Washington University student, Aniqa Raihan has been an outspoken advocate for US designated terrorist organizations, frequently sharing inflammatory rhetoric on social media and participating in events promoting Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS). She was a member of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at George Washington University (GWU), where she supported initiatives and events featuring speakers accused of spreading anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

Aniqa Raihan’s Affiliation with Extremist Movements

Raihan has worked with organizations like CODEPINK and contributed to anti-Israel publications such as Mondoweiss. Her involvement with SJP at GWU included supporting demonstrations that featured calls for the elimination of Israel and aligning with figures known for denying the Holocaust and endorsing resistance rhetoric. Critics argue that her actions fuel division and undermine dialogue.

Advocating for Terrorism

Through events like “Why You Should Take Sides” and fundraising for pro-Palestinian activism, Raihan has championed the SJP movement, which closely aligns values with US designated terrorist organization Hamas.. Her statements and initiatives emphasize resistance in the form of inciting hatred and antisemitism, which has created an unsafe environment for her peers on campus.



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