In April 2024, Laith Shalabi, a first-year law student at CUNY, was arrested for trespassing during a pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia University. These encampments, known as the “student intifada,” were characterized by harassment of Jewish students, illegal property occupation, and promotion of terrorist ideology. Shalabi’s arrest highlights his deep involvement in these controversial demonstrations.
Laith Shalabi’s Call for Destruction
Shalabi has repeatedly called for the elimination of Israel, chanting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” at protests. This slogan, condemned as antisemitic by the U.S. House of Representatives, is associated with Hamas’s goal to replace Israel with an Islamic state. His public statements often reject Israel’s legitimacy and criticize its right to self-defense, further aligning him with extremist rhetoric.
Hatred of America
Shalabi has used online platforms to spread vitriol against Jews and America, labeling the U.S. as “Amerikkka” and Zionism as imperialist and genocidal. His deleted Twitter account reportedly carried explicit antisemitic sentiments, such as claiming Israel’s existence is illegitimate. Shalabi’s views and actions promote division and escalate hostility, making him a polarizing figure in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.